Necessity of Education Paragraph

Water Pollution Paragraph

Necessity of Education Paragraph

(a) What is education?
(b) What is its aim?
(c) How is an illiterate person burden to a society?
(d) What do you think about the necessity of education?
(e) Can education really remove the darkness of ignorance?

Education is the backbone of a nation. It is a formal process of formal education. Education is very essential for the development of a person’s mind, soul and general outlook. It helps in expanding a person’s mindset and intellect and builds a person’s personality to face challenges.

Obviously, education removes the darkness of ignorance. An illiterate person is unable to acquire book knowledge from various sources, as an educated person can. An ignorant person is always considered a burden to a society. He cannot make the right choices, the right decisions in his own life.

He does not acquire the ability to earn enough to earn a living. He always takes the help of others to do any kind of work. Other people have to give him a series of instructions and objectives. So he is dependent on others for every matter.

Due to his ignorance, he can never become rich. On the other hand, the doors of knowledge are open for an educated person. In fact, education elevates our personality; it teaches us patience and universal brotherhood. It also provides us with the knowledge of health, sanitation and population control.

It increases crop production, industrial production, food security, environmental protection and the ability to fulfill social responsibilities. Through this, we become aware of our duties and responsibilities towards our family and society. Education is a medium, which stimulates our minds and enhances our senses.

It brings about national prosperity. It makes the people responsible citizens. A nation can achieve prosperity if the people of that country are educated. Through this broad vision, we can move towards change for the better through education which can always train us for the best.


Necessity of Education Paragraph
Necessity of Education Paragraph


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